Monday, October 13, 2008

Shampoo Controversy

I am all too familiar with the "Shampoo Controversy" that exists among newly locked sistas: What type of shampoo is best? How do I get rid of the flakes? I have been using the Sisterlock brand shampoo along with a shampoo by Taliah Waajid which was recommended by my consultant. I actually took a hair braiding class given by Taliah many years ago -but that's besides the point...

These shampoos are ok, but I find that neither lather extremely well and even after 3 -4 shampoos and rinses, my hair does not seem to be to the level of clean that I am looking for. So...I'm thinking of trying Knotty Boy soap. Everyone around the LIU group that has tried it seems to think highly of it. The smell, the lather, and even it's effectiveness has all been commented on. My curiosity has gotten the best of me.
I'll report back with my findings.

7 Positive Expression(s):

Unknown said...

I also like the KB shampoo. It lathers up a storm!! I've recently colored my hair so i can't use it--for now!

I think i used the SL started shampoo maybe twice. Ick.

9th Hr Poet said...

Thanks for the comment. I can't wait until my KB arruves. I checked out your blog for the first time -love it! That theme is hot.

Anonymous said...

I have used the knotty boy shampoo bar and it does help with flakes and itching..though i did start to notice build-up. So what I started doing was washing with that around once a month (using non-starter sisterlocks shampoo the other times), then soaking my hair in an ACV rinse for about 30 minues and that has worked well. I've considerd that maybe the liquid knotty boy shampoo might leave less build-up, if that is the kind you try, please let me know how you do with it...

9th Hr Poet said...


That's good info. I'll have to keep an eye out for that. I ordered the soap since that's what I've mostly seen and heard, but now that you mentioned it, I might have to go ahead and order that too!

CarmenNC said...

I like the KB shampoo bar and recommend it. I have been using Suave and JP Mitchell - both clarifying shampoos. The only I switched is I can't find KB locally.

Anonymous said...

I used the KB once and had build-up. But on the other hand, it smells great and lathers well. It's just not the best thing for me at this time. I will try it again later in my growth.

KnottyAuthor said...

i use black soap-african. the BEP liquid black soap just didnt do it for me either. i've been using the soap bar for about a year now

Hairstyles before SisterLocks