Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2 Weeks Locked

After researching, lurking on LIU, and deliberating with friends and family, I finally have my SisterLocks! My locks were born on August 28th and 29th. It took a phenomenal 14 hours and it was worth every minute. I love them and I would not trade them for the world. How I wish I had taken this step years ago!

I had been wearing my hair natural for the past few years but fell under the spell of the straightening comb. That comb can be just as damaging as the relaxer! My ends were soon overprocessed and just as straight as if I were putting in the creamy crack. Once I decided to make the journey to lock-dom (which was about 1 year ago), I started slowly cutting off the straight ends and wearing two strand twists. I started my locks with varying lengths: 3 inches in the back and 4-5 inches in the crown and across the top. I wish I had gotten a haircut into a style prior to getting locks, but oh well. I am quite happy and will be using this blog to chronicle my journey.

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Hairstyles before SisterLocks