Saturday, September 20, 2008


On the road to sisterlocks (before you even have that first lock in your head), you play what the comments of others will be -over and over in your head. You've figured out how to be 'alright' with yourself -and that's what counts, but there's always the bracing for the reactions of others. Now I work in a corporate environment and have never held back from presenting them with a variety of ethnic hairdos. I've sported twists, braids, and even rocked a twa (complete with headbands), so when I walked in with SLs, there was no immediate shock.
It's like they expect me to do something different every now and then. Oh, most of them don't get it; they don't realize that this is a permanent hair change. Most of the compliments have come from the fairer-skinned. I'm not sure why it is that we can't support each other in our endeavors -especially when it comes to natural hairdos. I must admit though that my mom as well as my best friend have been my most advocate supporters. They make me feel on top of the world and continue to compliment and support me -in whatever I do. And this change to Sisterlocks is no exception.

0 Positive Expression(s):

Hairstyles before SisterLocks